A writer travelling

Ona Canales

Hello! My name is Ona, I'm from Barcelona and I'm 20 years old. I study Audiovisual Communication (UPF), and I love writing and immersing myself in stories that inspire or invite reflection. That's exactly what I do here: listening to the testimonies that give meaning to Salssa's mission and highlighting the importance of combining health, sport, and good nutrition to live better. And the most beautiful thing of all: I learn along the way!

Hello! My name is Ona, I'm from Barcelona and I'm 20 years old. I study Audiovisual Communication (UPF), and I love writing and immersing myself in stories that inspire or invite reflection. That's exactly what I do here: listening to the testimonies that give meaning to Salssa's mission and highlighting the importance of combining health, sport, and good nutrition to live better. And the most beautiful thing of all: I learn along the way!